This lesson is for January 2017 you have a month to sort this out. If you have any questions please post them here so everyone can see. If the questions are here then anyone else needing the answer can see it and anyone that can help in answering it are welcome to do so.
In these lessons you will be given information on how to create a dress by crocheting. This is a Year-long project. I will be setting a lesson each month and giving you the month to complete each step. I have chosen the pattern first as it is what we will need to complete each step of the project.
If you are not sure what style of dress you want to make please go to a search bar on your browser and type in "images of dress patterns" and see what appears that you like.
Once you have a paper pattern you can play around with hemlines and necklines before cutting out a muslin copy.
Once you have a paper pattern you can play around with hemlines and necklines before cutting out a muslin copy.
To begin with we will be learning how to create a dress pattern to work with. I realize this is not Crocheting, but without it we would not be able to make Apparel that fits you.
I will be giving you a few You Tube classes on body measurements and how to draw up your pattern to help aid you in this process.
Measurments and pattern making
In order to view these you may have to copy and paste them into your navigation bar of your browser.
I am a firm believer that we cannot learn too much in our lifetime. You will be directed to various You Tube and other websites during this class. I do not reinvent the wheel so to speak.
I have captured this image from a You Tube site to show you what measurements you will need in dress pattern making.
Feel free to search for dress patterns that you like the style of and insert your measurements to make this pattern.
The items you will need for the making of a dress pattern are:
measuring tape in inches or mm
18" flat ruler
Fashion ruler optional
quilting thread white and black
Hem-Aid optional
coated freezer paper fashion ruler
After you have all of these or most of them you can begin making your pattern.
Draw out your pattern onto the freezer paper leaving ease where needed. I draw only 1/2 the front pattern and place it on my paper and cut out the other half to fit and using tape connect the 2 pieces and repeat this for the back.
Now that you have a paper pattern you will need to get a quality muslin in white and /or black. You will be cutting this dress out of the muslin and sewing the shoulder seams together.
At this point put the dress on and see if the waist and hem are where you want them. If so sew up the side seams. I also use this pattern for the shift I ware under my lace dresses. The shift is made of a finer fabric.
You can see the black fabric I have used a chalk to mark the measurement lines and where I wanted to place the elements. I then use white quilting thread and make a running line for these lines as chalk will ware off with time.
After this lesson please post a picture of your work.