Wednesday, March 1, 2017

LESSON 3 Trim/Fringe


This fringe or trim is made up of different ones I have found and combined and altered a bit to meet my needs.

I like to begin by making the trim at the bottom of the dress and working from there. If you are just putting motifs on your pattern you do not have the frame of the whole picture.  I work from the bottom up that way when you get near the neckline you can put the top trim on your dress.

This is the first real challenge in the dress.  I have made this fringe or trim but you can make whatever you like in the way of a trim for your dress.  The trim is what holds all the blocks and motifs in around the edges.  Although it is not necessary it is a basic step in creating a crocheted dress.


Instructions:  Rounds 1-7

Note: measure area to have trim.  (use a hook [#5 steel] that measures 48 st=8 inches [20mm] multiply this to measure your area to get the number of chs to make in rnd 1.  
rnd 1: (900-600) ch, slst in 1st ch. The length of this ch is based on the measurements you make.   note: [multiples  of 48]
(NOTE: this can be made easier if you want to make a platform to begin on separating Part 1 and Part 2. see extended instructions for this.)
rnd 2: ch1-up, sc in each st across around.
rnd 3: ch3-up, dc in 3rd sc,  ch 2, dc in same, sk1st, dc in next st, *(ch3, 2tr-cl in top of last dc), sk1st, 3tr-cl in next st, (ch3, 2tr cl in top of last tr-cl), (sk2st, dc in next st, sk1st, dc in next st, ch2, dc in same, sk1st, dc in next st, ch2, dc in same) 2x,*  repeat ** around. At this point you should see the ruffling of your trim.
rnd 4: slst to base of next 3trcl, ch3up, 2trcl in same, *ch 5, (tr3cl, ch 7, tr3cl in top of tr3cl of row 3), ch 5, tr3cl  in next dc, tr3cl in 4th dc*   repeat ** around.
rnd 5: slst to center of ch5 loop of row 4, (13tr in ch7 loop of row 4, sc in next ch5 loop, ch 5, sc in next ch5 loop*, repeat ** around.
rnd 6: slst in beg sc, ch1-up, *sc in tr of row 5, (ch2, sk1st, tr in next) 6x, ch2*, repeat ** across row, sc in 3rd of 1st ch5 of row 5, turn.
rnd 7: ch1-up, *(sc, hdc, dc, 4pc, dc, hdc, sc) 6x, (2sc in next ch2) 2x*, repeat across row, sc in last st.

Instructions Rounds 8-15
rnd 8: ch1-up sc in same,  *(ch 3, sc in 3rd st) * repeat ** around, ending with a (sc, ch 1, dc in 1st st) creating a ch3 replacement.
rnd 9: ch1-up, sc in same, *(ch 2, sk next ch3 loop, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in next ch3 loop, ch2, sc in next ch3 loop)* repeat ** around ending with a (sc, ch 1, dc in 1st st) creating a ch3 replacement.
rnd 10: ch2 up, *(dc in next 3 dc, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in ch3 loop,  dc in next 3 dc, ch2 sc in sc)*  repeat ** around.
rnd 11: ch2 up, *(dc in next 6 dc, (3dc, ch1, 3dc) ch3 loop, dc in next 6 dc, ch2 sc in sc)*  repeat ** around, slst in beg and next 3 st.
rnd 12 : ch4-up, (dc, ch1, sk1st)  8x),  *(dc, ch1, sk1st)  9x)* repeat ** around, slst into 3rd ch of beg.
rnd 13: ch1-up sc in same, sc in each st around, slst in 1st sc.
rnd 14: rnd 16: ch5-up, sk1st, *( tr, ch2, sk1st, (dc, ch2, sk2st) 2x, hdc, ch2, (dc, ch2, sk2st) 2x, sk2st,  tr, ch2, sk1st,) *  repeat ** around, slst in 3rd ch of beg.

rnd 15: ch1-up, sc in same and in each st around, slst in beg. tie off.

Instructions Rounds 16-20

rnd 16: sl st to next ch3 loop, ch1-up, sc in same, *((ch 2, sk next ch3 loop, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in next ch3 loop, ch2, sc in next ch3 loop)3x)* repeat ** around ending with a (sc, ch 1, dc in 1st st) creating a ch3 replacement.
rnd 17: ch1 up sc in same, ch 2, *(dc in next 3 dc, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in ch3 loop, dc in next 3 dc, ch2 (sc in next ch3 loop ch3 ) 2x)*  repeat ** around sl st in 1st sc.
rnd18: ch1 up sc in same, ch2 *(dc in next 6 dc, (3dc, ch1, 3dc) ch3 loop, dc in next 6 dc), ch2 sc in ch3 loop, ch3, sc in next ch3 loop, ch2*  repeat ** around, slst in beg.
rnd 19: ch4-up, (dc, ch1, sk1st)  9x), *( ch 2, trcl in ch3 loop of rnd 18, ch2  (dc, ch1, sk1st)  10x))* repeat ** around, slst into 3rd ch of beg.
rnd 20: ch1-up, sc in same and in each st around.

Connecting round for Saphronia blocks:

rnd 21: ch1-up, sc in same, *(ch1 sc in block, ch1 sc in trim)* repeat ** around to beg.

extended instructions:

 Begin with ch7, dc in 1st ch. turn; ch5, dc in 4th st of beg ch7. turn; *(dc in 3rd ch of last ch5, turn)* repeat ** until you have length you will be working with.

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